
Friday, May 25, 2012

Chrysanthemum Salad

Garnish with lime

My sister made this salad in Japan and it quickly became my favorite dish. If you can find garland chrysanthemum, or shungiku, at the Asian farmers market, I highly recommend using it, but if you can't, just regular spinach will do. It has only three ingredients, but it tastes like a dish from a nice Japanese restaurant.

Garland Chrysanthemum Salad

1 can tuna in water
1 bunch garland chrysanthemum
1/3 cup daikon radish grated
1/4 cup seasoned sushi vinegar

Cut the leaves of chrysanthemum in bite sizes, about 2-3 inches. Blanch them for a few minutes without overcooking. You want some texture still left in the stems and the leaves. Shock them in iced water. Drain and gently squeeze out water by hand. Grate daikon radish. If the grated daikon has too much liquid, discard excess liquid, but you do want some juice. The juice from the daikon radish will make the rice vinegar less tart. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well. 
Recipe courtesy of Sister M.

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