
Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Is Your Metabolism Type?

Could Dr. Oz be a Type B?
He seems organized, sensitive and stressed....

When I was watching Dr. Oz the other day, something caught my attention: you are born with a certain metabolism type. Depending on the type of your metabolism, the food you eat is metabolized in your body differently. That is to say the same foods that can help someone lose weight can make someone else gain weight, according to this study. I was intrigued enough to take the online quiz, and I found out that I was a Type A.

My day starts with a glass of superfood.
I feel good after drinking it.

Type A people have a strong appetite, crave salty foods, which is totally me, and are prone to anxiety and fatigue, which also is true with me, and outgoing and talkative. I am neither talkative nor outgoing, although my hubby tells me that I can be very talkative and outgoing with the people I feel comfortable being around.

Salty potato chips are my weakness....

Anyway, I should be eating about 50% protein, 30% fats and 20% carbohydrates, because Type A people can burn protein and fats more efficiently than carbohydrates. The cravings for the salty fatty foods stem from my body's need for protein. (From Dr. Oz's website.) If this study is true, the food I've been eating could be contributing to my personality, and I have been eating way too much carbs. If I modify what I eat, do I get less anxious or fatigued? It is interesting.

Cheese is salty and fatty.... Just what I like.

If you want to find out what your metabolism type is, go to his website and take a simple quiz. I don't know if I totally believe it, but it is an interesting thought anyway. By the way, my hubby is a Type B, who has cravings for sweet foods. Type B people are organized, sensitive and stressed. He could be all that, under certain circumstances.

My hubby would grab this bowl of M&Ms instead of a bowl of potato chips.

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