
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back in the South For My Birthday

That almost sounds like some song from country music. We are back in the south from a week-long vacation in Japan, and I've been sick with a cold all week. No fun, but it gave me time to de-compress. By the time my birthday came around, I was ready to get back to my routine.

Birthday present from my hubby. Lovely!
Beautiful fall day.

Back here, there is a chill in the air. Trees are changing. I'm starting to hear dreaded little voices telling me to rush, rush, rush. 

Let's just skip Thanksgiving this year...
"Pick me, pick me!"
Anybody want a Twinkies maker for Christmas?

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  1. Pretty!Time flies!!November,December...What is the next?

    1. The same thing over and over again, only a lot faster!
