
Monday, January 6, 2014

Black Soy Beans in Pressure Cooker

I tried to make the new year's Japanese staple dish for good luck in my pressure cooker before, only to end up scorching the bottom of the pan. I don't know what I did wrong. This is a new year, and maybe I'll have better luck this time. 

Victory is mine!

Black Soy Beans in Pressure Cooker

1 cup dry black soy beans
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
3 cups water
1/2 Tbsp soy sauce
1/3 tsp salt

Wash black beans and drain. In a pressure cooker, combine water, 1/4 cup of sugar and black beans. Stir to dissolve sugar and soak it for at least 6 hours. 

Dry black soy beans
Soak it overnight.

Cook beans with high heat until the pressure regulator starts spinning fast, then turn the heat to low for about 1 minute. Turn off the heat and release the pressure naturally. Open the lid and add the rest of sugar, soy sauce and salt and continue cooking at low heat until the sauce turns slightly syrupy. Serve at room temperature or serve cold.

Pressure is on!
Nice and tender!
It was a success! A sign of good things to come?

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