Monday, September 15, 2014

Bathroom Renovation Day 6

Before they started the renovation, they told us that the whole thing would take 2 weeks to complete. The first week has past, and now it's day 6 today. They paint the walls with water-repellent coating, and after that's dried up, time to lay down tiles!
Mud-playing time!
Nail holes and seams have been sealed. 
Waiting for them to dry before applying the water repellent coating.

And we have a new smooth ceiling! That little hole is for a new bathroom fan.
New ceiling!
All of the walls have been now installed. No more wood frames are showing!
They made new outlets for the power and cables! 
And a few hours later...
At the end of Day 6...
Water repellent rubber coating for the walls around the tub.
Ready for tiles now.
Durable boards have been laid on the floor additionally.
It's ready for tiles, too.

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