Monday, June 3, 2013

Ceylon Tea and Peach Smoothie

I can't believe I have AC almost all day now. And my feet get really warm at night, (does anybody have the same problem?) I have to turn AC during the night, too. My hubby freezes next to me, poor guy. I know it's slightly early for good peaches, but I can get good frozen ones. Use the tea you like for this. I think earl grey would work great, too.

Taste of summer

Ceylon Tea and Peach Smoothie

1 cup almond milk
1/4 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
1/2 to 1 cup frozen peaches
1 tsp agave nectar
1 bag ceylon tea
Warm it just a bit with a tea bag in.
Frozen peaches

Warm almond milk and toss in a bag of tea. Warm milk makes it easier to extract the good tea flavor and color. Take the tea bag out. Cool down milk a bit and blend with everything else until smooth. Garnish with a slice of peach.

Dog's having sweet dreams in the background....

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