Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sweet Potato Coconut Chicken Soup

This is my take on Thai coconut chicken soup. I added puréed sweet potatoes to give more depth to the flavor. The natural sweetness from the sweet potatoes makes this perfect comfort food on a chilly fall evening. 

Sweet Potato Coconut Chicken Soup

2 cups almond coconut milk
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup mushroom, sliced
1 cup chicken, shredded
1/2 cup sweet potato, puréed
1 Tbsp fish sauce
2 tsp coconut oil
1 dry lemongrass, optional
1 kaffir lime leaf, optional
1 lime, juiced
Pinch cayenne pepper 
Pinch turmeric
Cilantro for garnish
Green onion for garnish
Salt and pepper to taste

Leftover baked sweet potato
In a blender, combine sweet potato, almond coconut milk and chicken broth and blend well. In a medium sauce pan, warm coconut oil and sauté ginger until fragrant, and add mushroom and chicken. Sprinkle cayenne pepper and turmeric and sauté for a couple more minutes. Add the milk mixture and fish sauce to the sauce pan. Toss in lemongrass and a kaffir leaf. Squeeze a lime and garnish with green onion and cilantro.
Coconut oil for sautéing
Add lemongrass and a kaffir leaf to infuse the lemony aroma.

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