Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year's Mochi

We had special bowls of mochi for the new year as good luck. It's the year of sheep and it's my year that only comes around every 12 years, so I wanted to make a point to eat the mochi.

Mochi with sweet azuki beans.

We displayed this mochi for about a week as an offering to god, and ate it for good luck. So I guess we ate god's leftover...

Conveniently packaged for the occasion. This year is the year of sheep!
Cut it in half and broil them for several minutes.
Bubbled up nicely. Soft and gooey now.
Sweet azuki beans. 
Mochi starts to melt in the warm azuki soup.

I can use every little thing to get me going with the new year instead of being dragged by the usual dread, and this helped! I don't mind eating this again! 

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